Murad Hoffman terlahir pada 6 Juli 1931, dengan nama Wilfred Hoffman, dari sebuah keluarga Katholik, di Jerman. Pendidikan Universitasnya dilalui di Union College, New York. Pada tahun 1957 ia meraih gelar gelar Doktor dalam bidang Undang-undang Jerman, dari Universitas Munich. Dan pada tahun 1960, ia meraih gelar magister dari Universitas Harvard dalam bidang Undang-undang Amerika. Ia kemudian bekerja di kementerian luar negeri Jerman, semenjak tahun 1961 hingga tahun 1994. Ia terutama bertugas dalam masalah pertahanan nuklir. Ia pernah menjadi direktur penerangan NATO di Brussel, Duta Besar Jerman di Aljazair dan terakhir Duta Besar Jerman di Maroko, hingga tahun 1994. Kini bersama isterinya, seorang muslimah asal Turki, ia menikmati masa-masa pensiun di Istambul. Sambil berpikir dan mengarang buku.
Pengalamannya sebagai duta besar dan tamu beberapa negara Islam mendorongnya untuk mempelajari Islam, terutama Al Quran. Dengan tekun ia mempelajari Islam dan belajar memperaktekkan ibadah-ibadahnya. :video ( interview with Murad Hoffman )
Pada tanggal 11 September 1980, di Bonn, setelah lama ia rasakan pergolakan pemikiran dalam dirinya yang makin mendekatkan dirinya kepada keimanan, dengan terharu ia mengungkapkan dalam memoarsnya (edisi bahasa Indonesia: Pergolakan Pemikiran): "Aku harus menjadi seorang Muslim!" Maka pada tanggal 25 September 1980, di Islamic Center Colonia, ia dengan pasti mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat.
Ia memilih nama baru nama baru bagi dirinya: "Murad". Muhammad Asad, seorang Muslim Austria, yang sebelumnya bernama Leopold Weist, dalam pengantarnya terhadap memoar Murad Hoffman, yang telah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul Pergolakan Pemikiran, lebih jauh menjelaskan makna filosofis nama tersebut: "Murad artinya 'yang dicari', dan pengertiannya yang lebih luas adalah 'tujuan', yaitu tujuan tertinggi hidup Willfred Hoffman."
Murad Hoffman telah menulis beberapa buku tentang Islam. Pada tahun 1985 ia menulis memoarnya, yang diterbitkan pada bahasa Inggris pada tahun 1987, dalam bahasa Perancis pada tahun 1990, dalam bahasa Arab pada tahun 1993, dan bahasa Indonesia pada tahun 1998 (dengan judul Pergolakan Pemikiran: Catatan Harian Muslim Jerman).
Bukunya yang menggegerkan; Der Islam als Alternative, juga telah diterbitkan dalam edisi bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab, pada tahun 1993. Annie Marie Schimmel dengan hangat memberikan kata pengantar dalam buku tersebut, dan dengan antusias menutup pengantarnya itu sambil menyitir Goethe: "Jika Islam berarti ketundukan dengan penuh ketulusan, maka atas dasar Islamlah selayaknya kita hidup dan mati!" Memang, menurut pengamatan Murad Moffman, sebentar lagi Schimmel akan terus terang memeluk Islam.
Yang menarik dari Murad Hoffman adalah, ketika ia sedang menjadi duta besar Jerman di Maroko, pada tahun 1992, ia mempublikasikan bukunya yang menggegerkan masyarakat Jerman: Der Islam als Alternative (Islam sebagai Alternatif). Dalam buku tersebut, ia tidak saja menjelaskan bahwa Islam adalah alternatif yang paling baik bagi peradaban Barat yang sudah kropos dan kehilangan justifikasinya, namun ia secara eksplisit mengatakan bahwa alternatif Islam bagi masyarakat Barat adalah suatu keniscayaan.
Seperti ia ungkapkan dalam prakata bukunya tersebut: "Islam tidak menawarkan dirinya sebagai alternatif yang lain bagi masyarakat Barat pasca industri. Karena memang hanya Islamlah satu-satunya alternatif itu!" Oleh karena itu, tidak aneh ketika buku itu belum terbit saja telah menggegerkan masyarakat Jerman. Mulanya adalah wawancara televisi saluran I dengan Murad Hoffman; dan dalam wawancara tersebut, Hoffman bercerita tentang bukunya yang --ketika itu-- sebentar lagi akan terbit itu.
Saat wawancara tersebut disiarkan, seketika gemparlah seluruh media massa dan masyarakat Jerman. Dan serentak mereka mencerca dan menggugat Hoffman, hingga sebelum mereka membaca buku tersebut. Hal ini tidak hanya dilakukan oleh media massa murahan yang kecil, namun juga oleh media massa yang besar semacam Der Spigel. Malah pada kesempatan yang lain, televisi Jerman men-shooting Murad Hoffman saat ia sedang melaksanakan shalat di atas sejadahnya, di kantor Duta Besar Jerman di Maroko, sambil dikomentari oleh sang reporter: "Apakah logis jika Jerman berubah menjadi Negara Islam yang tunduk terhadap hukum Tuhan?"
Dalam buku Trend Islam 2000, Murad Hoffman mencoba menatap potensi futuristik peradaban Islam. Dengan tujuh bagian kajian, ia memulai dengan melihat tiga sikap kaum Muslimin terhadap masa depan mereka.
Pertama: kelompok yang pesimis, yang melihat bahwa perjalanan sejarah pada dasarnya selalu menurun.
Kedua: kelompok yang melihat sejarah umat Islam seperti gelombang yang terdiri dari gerakan naik turun. Dan
Ketiga: kelompok yang amat optimis, yang melihat bahwa sejarah Islam terus menuju kemajuannya.
Ketiga kelompok tersebut, masing-masinng mempunyai sandarannya dari teks agama Islam.
Hoffman mengajak kita untuk bersikap optimis, menatap mentari esok dengan semangat dan usaha. Maka ia mulai mencari faktor-faktor yang mendorong optimisme tersebut, kemudian dibandingkan dengan situasi agama Kristen dan Yahudi, sambil membaca hubungan Islam dan Barat. Kemudian ia kembali bertanya, apakah mungkin membangkitkan Islam kembali? Untuk menjawab itu, ia mengajukan skala prioritas pembaruan yang harus dilaksakanakan sebagai prasyarat kebangkitan itu, yaitu: perbaikan mutu pendidikan dan teknologi, melepaskan belenggu kaum perempuan, perbaikan dalam hak-hak asasi manusia, merumuskan teori negara dan ekonomi, memberikan sikap tegas terhadap sihir dan khurafat, dan memperbaiki sarana transportasi dan komunikasi di dunia Islam. Sambil dengan tegas membedakan antara: Islam sebagai agama dan sebagai peradaban, sunnah yang sahih dan yang tidak, syari'ah dan pemahaman fuqaha (fiqh), serta al Quran dan as Sunnah. Ia terutama memberikan prioritas pada perbaikan pendidikan dan kemampuan teknologi. Karena masa depan kita, ia menambahkan, diciptakan dari dua bidang ini.
Namun setelah menyaksikan kondisi negara-negara Islam atau negara yang berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim, ia tampak kecewa, karena mendapati mereka ternyata masih jauh dari kesiapan untuk melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan itu. Hal itulah, barangkali yang menyebabkan ia menulis dalam pengantar buku Trend Islam 2000: "Jika aku telah berhasil mengemukakan sesuatu, maka sesuatu itu adalah suatu realitas yang pedih!"
"Dengan kondisi negara-negara Islam seperti itu", tambahnya pada penutup buku Trend Islam 2000, "kita justru menjumpai kesuburan dan vividitas peradaban yang diperlukan untuk membangkitkan Islam telah berpindah dari pusat-pusat tradisional ke tempat-tempat seperti Los Angeles, Washington, Leichter, Oxford, atau Colon dan Paris. Oleh karena itu, tidak aneh jika nanti gerakan kebangkitan dan pembaruan Islam justru dipimpin oleh pemikir-pemikir Islam dari negara-negara non-Muslim!"
Saat ini Murad Hoffman sudah aktif ikut dalam konferensi-konferensi Islam Internasional yang diadakan oleh organisasi-organisasi Islam. Jadi sudah dikelompokkan sebagai tokoh Islam Internasional. Dan setahun lepas, ia mendapatkan bintang penghargaan dari pemerintah Mesir atas jasa-jasanya dalam pemikiran Islam.
Sejak berkomitmen memeluk Islam pada 1980, Murad Wilfred Hoffman, sebagai mualaf sekaligus tokoh birokrat-intelektual Jerman, banyak mengalami pro dan kontra di negara asalnya. Namun, semua itu dihadapinya sebagai bagian dari ijtihadnya -- setelah pengumuman keislamannya -- guna mencapai "Jalan Menuju Mekah", yaitu meraih keridhaan Allah SWT.
Dalam buku ini, Murad memaparkan pengalaman-pengalamannya yang penuh hikmah dalam melaksanakan syariat Islam, seperti: shalat, ibadah haji, kurban, zakat, puasa, qadha dan qadar, sampai perenungannya terhadap syahadat.
Beberapa buku Wilfred Hoffman (atau berganti nama menjadi Murad Hoffman, setelah ia memeluk Islam) telah dipublikasikan di Indonesia, diantaranya :
- Trend Islam 2000.
- Pergolakan Pemikiran: Catatan Harian Muslim Jerman.
- Jalan Menuju Mekkah.
Tentunya banyak pelajaran yang berharga dari perjalanan spiritual dan mental tokoh kenamaan Jerman ini.
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann
born 1931 in Aschaffenburg, 1980 to the Islam gone over. Study of the German
right in Munich, study of the American right at union the college and to the Harvard Law School.
1983 - 1987 director of information of NATO in Brussels,
1987 - 1990 Ambassadors in Algiers and 1990-1994 Ambassadors in Morocco.
Excerpts out: Diary of a German Muslim
One does not survive such an accident!
Holly jump, Mississipi, 28 June 1951
In my suit-case little more than my Kellnermontur, was I already for 14 days "by hitchhikers" on the way, in order to experience from new jersey over Florida the west of the United States. The last stage, Atlanta, Georgia, lay far behind me and the next, Memphis, threshing floor lake, seemed only a question from autominutes to to be.
There a shade before us emerged. The driver tried to take the foot from the accelerotor pedal to. By brakes on both sides no trace " Head on collision " was called it day Southern German Broadcasting Corporation up in that local newspaper. "drunk ones cross on wrong side of the motorway."
In the hospital one stated Oberkieferbruch, 19 driven out teeth, zerfetzte lower lip, ausgekugelten poor in and a hole the knee, however neither brain vibration nor shock. Were the two Chevrolets with an added speed of approx.. 155km/h frontally collided. With same chance of survival I could have jumped from the fifth stick of a building.
During the face operation asked the surgeon, the Narkoseschwester, how I had probably in former times looked. With the head wise I on my passport in the Gesaessta Jeans. The physician regarded for a
Pengalamannya sebagai duta besar dan tamu beberapa negara Islam mendorongnya untuk mempelajari Islam, terutama Al Quran. Dengan tekun ia mempelajari Islam dan belajar memperaktekkan ibadah-ibadahnya. :video ( interview with Murad Hoffman )
Pada tanggal 11 September 1980, di Bonn, setelah lama ia rasakan pergolakan pemikiran dalam dirinya yang makin mendekatkan dirinya kepada keimanan, dengan terharu ia mengungkapkan dalam memoarsnya (edisi bahasa Indonesia: Pergolakan Pemikiran): "Aku harus menjadi seorang Muslim!" Maka pada tanggal 25 September 1980, di Islamic Center Colonia, ia dengan pasti mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat.
Ia memilih nama baru nama baru bagi dirinya: "Murad". Muhammad Asad, seorang Muslim Austria, yang sebelumnya bernama Leopold Weist, dalam pengantarnya terhadap memoar Murad Hoffman, yang telah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul Pergolakan Pemikiran, lebih jauh menjelaskan makna filosofis nama tersebut: "Murad artinya 'yang dicari', dan pengertiannya yang lebih luas adalah 'tujuan', yaitu tujuan tertinggi hidup Willfred Hoffman."
Murad Hoffman telah menulis beberapa buku tentang Islam. Pada tahun 1985 ia menulis memoarnya, yang diterbitkan pada bahasa Inggris pada tahun 1987, dalam bahasa Perancis pada tahun 1990, dalam bahasa Arab pada tahun 1993, dan bahasa Indonesia pada tahun 1998 (dengan judul Pergolakan Pemikiran: Catatan Harian Muslim Jerman).
Bukunya yang menggegerkan; Der Islam als Alternative, juga telah diterbitkan dalam edisi bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab, pada tahun 1993. Annie Marie Schimmel dengan hangat memberikan kata pengantar dalam buku tersebut, dan dengan antusias menutup pengantarnya itu sambil menyitir Goethe: "Jika Islam berarti ketundukan dengan penuh ketulusan, maka atas dasar Islamlah selayaknya kita hidup dan mati!" Memang, menurut pengamatan Murad Moffman, sebentar lagi Schimmel akan terus terang memeluk Islam.
Yang menarik dari Murad Hoffman adalah, ketika ia sedang menjadi duta besar Jerman di Maroko, pada tahun 1992, ia mempublikasikan bukunya yang menggegerkan masyarakat Jerman: Der Islam als Alternative (Islam sebagai Alternatif). Dalam buku tersebut, ia tidak saja menjelaskan bahwa Islam adalah alternatif yang paling baik bagi peradaban Barat yang sudah kropos dan kehilangan justifikasinya, namun ia secara eksplisit mengatakan bahwa alternatif Islam bagi masyarakat Barat adalah suatu keniscayaan.
Seperti ia ungkapkan dalam prakata bukunya tersebut: "Islam tidak menawarkan dirinya sebagai alternatif yang lain bagi masyarakat Barat pasca industri. Karena memang hanya Islamlah satu-satunya alternatif itu!" Oleh karena itu, tidak aneh ketika buku itu belum terbit saja telah menggegerkan masyarakat Jerman. Mulanya adalah wawancara televisi saluran I dengan Murad Hoffman; dan dalam wawancara tersebut, Hoffman bercerita tentang bukunya yang --ketika itu-- sebentar lagi akan terbit itu.
Saat wawancara tersebut disiarkan, seketika gemparlah seluruh media massa dan masyarakat Jerman. Dan serentak mereka mencerca dan menggugat Hoffman, hingga sebelum mereka membaca buku tersebut. Hal ini tidak hanya dilakukan oleh media massa murahan yang kecil, namun juga oleh media massa yang besar semacam Der Spigel. Malah pada kesempatan yang lain, televisi Jerman men-shooting Murad Hoffman saat ia sedang melaksanakan shalat di atas sejadahnya, di kantor Duta Besar Jerman di Maroko, sambil dikomentari oleh sang reporter: "Apakah logis jika Jerman berubah menjadi Negara Islam yang tunduk terhadap hukum Tuhan?"
Dalam buku Trend Islam 2000, Murad Hoffman mencoba menatap potensi futuristik peradaban Islam. Dengan tujuh bagian kajian, ia memulai dengan melihat tiga sikap kaum Muslimin terhadap masa depan mereka.
Pertama: kelompok yang pesimis, yang melihat bahwa perjalanan sejarah pada dasarnya selalu menurun.
Kedua: kelompok yang melihat sejarah umat Islam seperti gelombang yang terdiri dari gerakan naik turun. Dan
Ketiga: kelompok yang amat optimis, yang melihat bahwa sejarah Islam terus menuju kemajuannya.
Ketiga kelompok tersebut, masing-masinng mempunyai sandarannya dari teks agama Islam.
Hoffman mengajak kita untuk bersikap optimis, menatap mentari esok dengan semangat dan usaha. Maka ia mulai mencari faktor-faktor yang mendorong optimisme tersebut, kemudian dibandingkan dengan situasi agama Kristen dan Yahudi, sambil membaca hubungan Islam dan Barat. Kemudian ia kembali bertanya, apakah mungkin membangkitkan Islam kembali? Untuk menjawab itu, ia mengajukan skala prioritas pembaruan yang harus dilaksakanakan sebagai prasyarat kebangkitan itu, yaitu: perbaikan mutu pendidikan dan teknologi, melepaskan belenggu kaum perempuan, perbaikan dalam hak-hak asasi manusia, merumuskan teori negara dan ekonomi, memberikan sikap tegas terhadap sihir dan khurafat, dan memperbaiki sarana transportasi dan komunikasi di dunia Islam. Sambil dengan tegas membedakan antara: Islam sebagai agama dan sebagai peradaban, sunnah yang sahih dan yang tidak, syari'ah dan pemahaman fuqaha (fiqh), serta al Quran dan as Sunnah. Ia terutama memberikan prioritas pada perbaikan pendidikan dan kemampuan teknologi. Karena masa depan kita, ia menambahkan, diciptakan dari dua bidang ini.
Namun setelah menyaksikan kondisi negara-negara Islam atau negara yang berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim, ia tampak kecewa, karena mendapati mereka ternyata masih jauh dari kesiapan untuk melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan itu. Hal itulah, barangkali yang menyebabkan ia menulis dalam pengantar buku Trend Islam 2000: "Jika aku telah berhasil mengemukakan sesuatu, maka sesuatu itu adalah suatu realitas yang pedih!"
"Dengan kondisi negara-negara Islam seperti itu", tambahnya pada penutup buku Trend Islam 2000, "kita justru menjumpai kesuburan dan vividitas peradaban yang diperlukan untuk membangkitkan Islam telah berpindah dari pusat-pusat tradisional ke tempat-tempat seperti Los Angeles, Washington, Leichter, Oxford, atau Colon dan Paris. Oleh karena itu, tidak aneh jika nanti gerakan kebangkitan dan pembaruan Islam justru dipimpin oleh pemikir-pemikir Islam dari negara-negara non-Muslim!"
Saat ini Murad Hoffman sudah aktif ikut dalam konferensi-konferensi Islam Internasional yang diadakan oleh organisasi-organisasi Islam. Jadi sudah dikelompokkan sebagai tokoh Islam Internasional. Dan setahun lepas, ia mendapatkan bintang penghargaan dari pemerintah Mesir atas jasa-jasanya dalam pemikiran Islam.
Sejak berkomitmen memeluk Islam pada 1980, Murad Wilfred Hoffman, sebagai mualaf sekaligus tokoh birokrat-intelektual Jerman, banyak mengalami pro dan kontra di negara asalnya. Namun, semua itu dihadapinya sebagai bagian dari ijtihadnya -- setelah pengumuman keislamannya -- guna mencapai "Jalan Menuju Mekah", yaitu meraih keridhaan Allah SWT.
Dalam buku ini, Murad memaparkan pengalaman-pengalamannya yang penuh hikmah dalam melaksanakan syariat Islam, seperti: shalat, ibadah haji, kurban, zakat, puasa, qadha dan qadar, sampai perenungannya terhadap syahadat.
Beberapa buku Wilfred Hoffman (atau berganti nama menjadi Murad Hoffman, setelah ia memeluk Islam) telah dipublikasikan di Indonesia, diantaranya :
- Trend Islam 2000.
- Pergolakan Pemikiran: Catatan Harian Muslim Jerman.
- Jalan Menuju Mekkah.
Tentunya banyak pelajaran yang berharga dari perjalanan spiritual dan mental tokoh kenamaan Jerman ini.
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann
born 1931 in Aschaffenburg, 1980 to the Islam gone over. Study of the German
right in Munich, study of the American right at union the college and to the Harvard Law School.
1983 - 1987 director of information of NATO in Brussels,
1987 - 1990 Ambassadors in Algiers and 1990-1994 Ambassadors in Morocco.
Excerpts out: Diary of a German Muslim
One does not survive such an accident!
Holly jump, Mississipi, 28 June 1951
In my suit-case little more than my Kellnermontur, was I already for 14 days "by hitchhikers" on the way, in order to experience from new jersey over Florida the west of the United States. The last stage, Atlanta, Georgia, lay far behind me and the next, Memphis, threshing floor lake, seemed only a question from autominutes to to be.
There a shade before us emerged. The driver tried to take the foot from the accelerotor pedal to. By brakes on both sides no trace " Head on collision " was called it day Southern German Broadcasting Corporation up in that local newspaper. "drunk ones cross on wrong side of the motorway."
In the hospital one stated Oberkieferbruch, 19 driven out teeth, zerfetzte lower lip, ausgekugelten poor in and a hole the knee, however neither brain vibration nor shock. Were the two Chevrolets with an added speed of approx.. 155km/h frontally collided. With same chance of survival I could have jumped from the fifth stick of a building.
During the face operation asked the surgeon, the Narkoseschwester, how I had probably in former times looked. With the head wise I on my passport in the Gesaessta Jeans. The physician regarded for a
long time alternating my passport photo and my face courses derailed in the meantime and means then shifts, I could undergo in a few years a cosmetic operation...
And then, while he gives me for the first night a Morphiumspritze, the surgeon says suddenly: "one does not survive such an accident. My dear one, God intends completely special with you still somewhat!" Only on 25 September 1980, over 29 years later, I believed to understand.
... unnoticed Muslim
Bonn, 11 September 1980
I file for some time all philosophical statements, which ensured I consider to write down system compatible under constant reduction on the substantial to it. My son I promised Alexander to hold this for it as sum of a lifelong argument with our realization possibilities: as an unorthodox gift to its 18. Birthday. *)
In the process of this process I won however clarity over the fact that the attitude of a Agnostikers is not intelligent; that humans cannot extract themselves from a faith decision at all; that the Geschoepflichkeit of the Seins forces itself upon; that Prophetentum is possible; that in me the certainty adjusted itself that the Islam is as far as possible with the total reality in harmony.
I determine thus, not without embarrassment, that I became by me nearly unnoticed step for step in thinking and attitude the Muslim.
Now only the last step remains: to carry out conversion also formally.
"La ilaha illa llah, Muhammad rasulu lah"
Bonn, 25 September 1980
Since today I am Muslim. My glaubensbekenntnis - "La ilaha illa llah, Muhammad rasulu lah" is in writing deposited with the Islamic center in Cologne. My selected Islamic name reads Murad Ferid. I am at the goal.
Current interviews with Murad Hofmann
The former diplomat is considered as formed representatives German Islam
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann, born 1931, attained a doctorate full lawyer, worked 33 years in the diplomatic service, last as an Ambassador in Algeria and Morocco.
It converted 1980 to the Islam, carried out several times the pilgerfahrt according to Mekka. 1983-1987 he was a director of information of NATO. 1992 appeared "the Islam as alternative", also in the Islamic world large resemblance find and into numerous languages (several Arab editions) translated are 1996 followed "journey after Mekka", 1999 appeared the expenditure of the German Qur'an translation revised of it of max of Henning, in the year 2000 followed "the Islam in the 3. Millenium ".
As much-in demand lecture speakers bereist it today Western Europe, the USA and the Islamic world.
Islamic newspaper: Mr. Hofmann, Sie live here in Aschaffenburg, as also in Istanbul. Where is it most beautiful for the far-traveled diplomat?
Murad Hofmann: In the summer I live in Turkey, in the winter in Germany, because I would like to be able myself to leave on the fact that summers and winters actually take place, which in summer Germany often not the case is. In Germany the winter is more reliably, also colder, but everything functions here.
Islamic newspaper: How do you see momentarily the situation in Istanbul, the everyday life?
Murad Hofmann: I would say, Turkey am not only in an economic crisis, but in a political crisis, one can even say in a state crisis! When I mean (Turkish) woman married, before 25 years, the relationship of the Lira to the D-mark was 1:14. And now it is 1:623000. I am convinced of the fact that one wants to abolish the Adhan.
However gradually. First it was called, one wants the Adhan central to steer that thus all mosques are attached to one point, by which from then the Adhan is proclaimed at the same time. That is nevertheless a progress in the sense of quality of the Muadhin, at the same time sets one thousands of Muadhins on the road. And now one obviously forbade in Fatih first times 65 mosques to the Adhan with loudspeaker, with the reason, there would be too many mosques, it was a disorder. In Fes there are 330 mosques. If at the same time to the prayer call is this disorder a concert, it is marvelously! There the Adhan rises as from the valley, one means, one could seize him. The next will be natural, there it an electrical breakdown will give, then the prayer call will not have to be heard times a few days, because in the center a loss was, then one that will make.
Islamic newspaper: The term euro-Islam makes the round - your comment?
Murad Hofmann: This term above all used of Bassam Tibi and its kind of "Islam" would like I now really not. I did not use it so far, because I had always the impression that the people, which spoke so far of it understood by euro-Islam, very much euro and very little Islam.
That does not mean however that not also I assume that the Islam in each country, in which it spreads will have a local Kolorierung. If I think of the Islam in America - whose prospects tune me particularly hope-gladly - there Afroamerikani, the whole Vitalitaet, the faith intensity of the black ones comes there into the Islam. Then there is a very high intellectual component in America, because nearly all American emigrierten Muslims came as students.
That is, the university graduate portion in the American Ummah is higher than in every other religion. Thus each fifth physician in America is a Muslim. And many of those promised themselves as students mutually to spend 10% of their income in each case on the Islam. And in America physician its, is called millionaire its.
I was straight now in September short before the bad event in Chicago, with which ISNA meetings came, there 33000 American Muslims, from whom far over half young people were under 24 years. From those again the majority was women. There there was a lecture, which I should hold, with a trilateral meeting - Jew, Christian, Muslims - and the invitation committee had 20 Muslims, from those was 19 physicians. The fact that naturally in such an environment an American Islam develops with a more intellectual component is completely natural.
Islamic newspaper: How was your spontaneous reaction to the pictures 11 September?
Murad Hofmann: My all first impression was, I thought that is actually Kamikaze, that is Japanese, raechen itself wants for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But then, after short time the situation was already clear and then said I only: "Allah protects your Muslims."
We should ourselves have in former times dissociated from Usama are shop. Thus I had never heard of aluminium-Qaida, but are of Usama shop one to hear had been able. A Muslim may not deny to another to be Muslim and therefore goes also with is shop not. It is a product of our fertile soil. The Qur'an forbids the suicide without each restriction. And therefore I am frightened that several highranking personalities in the Islam justified suicide assassination attempts.
We know that by whole mankind history some of the worst acts with best conscience were committed by religious humans with religious motives. We also experienced the Assasinen. That were people, which were set under hashish to be killed in order to then make suicide assassination attempts, in order people like Nizam aluminium-Mulk.
Islamic newspaper: Since 11 September were not-Muslim voices from the public life noticeable to you positively?
Murad Hofmann: Yes, as I had read in the IZ, Guenther Grass was very positive in its attitude. Otherwise I must say that it gave no analysis of the causes after my observation after 11 September in America at all. That is in America up to the today's day like that. And that has the following background: In America one may analyze also not for instance the causes of the Holocaust. The media prevent each attempt to explain, like it as the Holocaust come could, to the thesis: everything understand, are called everything forgive. And in such a way naturally also strangling benefits each analysis in America Israel.
One cannot describe, not analyze 11 September, without discovering thereby Israel. It will give again and again is shop so long one not finally this humans justice leaves happened. The United Nations issue resolutions, which are however only used, if they are directed against an Islamic country, e.g. in the Iraq. Resolutions would affect themselves, in favor of of Muslims were not ever carried out. Kashmir: It should take place the popular vote before 40 years! With Palestine and Israel still not one resolution was converted!
Islamic newspaper: What is your advice for the Muslims in Germany, in Europe in the future?
Murad Hofmann: Thus as danger I see that the Muslims leave themselves now into a apologetische corner urge.
Because we will intersperse us here only if our environment white that we offer it somewhat, it does not only beg. So far we look, we in such a way want always which: We want a Muezzin call and there to want we a funeral and there we pits - we want always which. And it looks in such a way, as we are to be made not more easily lucky and content, as if one tolerates us. We are only then really accepted if our environment understands that we have to offer it something, which does their bitterly emergency, because it goes off it.
And those are all the things, which let the west zutreiben on its culture disaster. Many people have today nevertheless the feeling: that cannot be nevertheless everything. Those are many, which sympathize with the Greens, others study the Islam, other one by Allah ta'ala simply directly are also addressed. In all other respects no Qur'an translation can be so bad that it can bring someone not nevertheless to the Islam.
And after 11 the number of conversions did not diminish! Before a few days only I have a letter gotten from a diploma psychologist in Germany, who crosses now to the Islam.
And then, while he gives me for the first night a Morphiumspritze, the surgeon says suddenly: "one does not survive such an accident. My dear one, God intends completely special with you still somewhat!" Only on 25 September 1980, over 29 years later, I believed to understand.
... unnoticed Muslim
Bonn, 11 September 1980
I file for some time all philosophical statements, which ensured I consider to write down system compatible under constant reduction on the substantial to it. My son I promised Alexander to hold this for it as sum of a lifelong argument with our realization possibilities: as an unorthodox gift to its 18. Birthday. *)
In the process of this process I won however clarity over the fact that the attitude of a Agnostikers is not intelligent; that humans cannot extract themselves from a faith decision at all; that the Geschoepflichkeit of the Seins forces itself upon; that Prophetentum is possible; that in me the certainty adjusted itself that the Islam is as far as possible with the total reality in harmony.
I determine thus, not without embarrassment, that I became by me nearly unnoticed step for step in thinking and attitude the Muslim.
Now only the last step remains: to carry out conversion also formally.
"La ilaha illa llah, Muhammad rasulu lah"
Bonn, 25 September 1980
Since today I am Muslim. My glaubensbekenntnis - "La ilaha illa llah, Muhammad rasulu lah" is in writing deposited with the Islamic center in Cologne. My selected Islamic name reads Murad Ferid. I am at the goal.
Current interviews with Murad Hofmann
The former diplomat is considered as formed representatives German Islam
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann, born 1931, attained a doctorate full lawyer, worked 33 years in the diplomatic service, last as an Ambassador in Algeria and Morocco.
It converted 1980 to the Islam, carried out several times the pilgerfahrt according to Mekka. 1983-1987 he was a director of information of NATO. 1992 appeared "the Islam as alternative", also in the Islamic world large resemblance find and into numerous languages (several Arab editions) translated are 1996 followed "journey after Mekka", 1999 appeared the expenditure of the German Qur'an translation revised of it of max of Henning, in the year 2000 followed "the Islam in the 3. Millenium ".
As much-in demand lecture speakers bereist it today Western Europe, the USA and the Islamic world.
Islamic newspaper: Mr. Hofmann, Sie live here in Aschaffenburg, as also in Istanbul. Where is it most beautiful for the far-traveled diplomat?
Murad Hofmann: In the summer I live in Turkey, in the winter in Germany, because I would like to be able myself to leave on the fact that summers and winters actually take place, which in summer Germany often not the case is. In Germany the winter is more reliably, also colder, but everything functions here.
Islamic newspaper: How do you see momentarily the situation in Istanbul, the everyday life?
Murad Hofmann: I would say, Turkey am not only in an economic crisis, but in a political crisis, one can even say in a state crisis! When I mean (Turkish) woman married, before 25 years, the relationship of the Lira to the D-mark was 1:14. And now it is 1:623000. I am convinced of the fact that one wants to abolish the Adhan.
However gradually. First it was called, one wants the Adhan central to steer that thus all mosques are attached to one point, by which from then the Adhan is proclaimed at the same time. That is nevertheless a progress in the sense of quality of the Muadhin, at the same time sets one thousands of Muadhins on the road. And now one obviously forbade in Fatih first times 65 mosques to the Adhan with loudspeaker, with the reason, there would be too many mosques, it was a disorder. In Fes there are 330 mosques. If at the same time to the prayer call is this disorder a concert, it is marvelously! There the Adhan rises as from the valley, one means, one could seize him. The next will be natural, there it an electrical breakdown will give, then the prayer call will not have to be heard times a few days, because in the center a loss was, then one that will make.
Islamic newspaper: The term euro-Islam makes the round - your comment?
Murad Hofmann: This term above all used of Bassam Tibi and its kind of "Islam" would like I now really not. I did not use it so far, because I had always the impression that the people, which spoke so far of it understood by euro-Islam, very much euro and very little Islam.
That does not mean however that not also I assume that the Islam in each country, in which it spreads will have a local Kolorierung. If I think of the Islam in America - whose prospects tune me particularly hope-gladly - there Afroamerikani, the whole Vitalitaet, the faith intensity of the black ones comes there into the Islam. Then there is a very high intellectual component in America, because nearly all American emigrierten Muslims came as students.
That is, the university graduate portion in the American Ummah is higher than in every other religion. Thus each fifth physician in America is a Muslim. And many of those promised themselves as students mutually to spend 10% of their income in each case on the Islam. And in America physician its, is called millionaire its.
I was straight now in September short before the bad event in Chicago, with which ISNA meetings came, there 33000 American Muslims, from whom far over half young people were under 24 years. From those again the majority was women. There there was a lecture, which I should hold, with a trilateral meeting - Jew, Christian, Muslims - and the invitation committee had 20 Muslims, from those was 19 physicians. The fact that naturally in such an environment an American Islam develops with a more intellectual component is completely natural.
Islamic newspaper: How was your spontaneous reaction to the pictures 11 September?
Murad Hofmann: My all first impression was, I thought that is actually Kamikaze, that is Japanese, raechen itself wants for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But then, after short time the situation was already clear and then said I only: "Allah protects your Muslims."
We should ourselves have in former times dissociated from Usama are shop. Thus I had never heard of aluminium-Qaida, but are of Usama shop one to hear had been able. A Muslim may not deny to another to be Muslim and therefore goes also with is shop not. It is a product of our fertile soil. The Qur'an forbids the suicide without each restriction. And therefore I am frightened that several highranking personalities in the Islam justified suicide assassination attempts.
We know that by whole mankind history some of the worst acts with best conscience were committed by religious humans with religious motives. We also experienced the Assasinen. That were people, which were set under hashish to be killed in order to then make suicide assassination attempts, in order people like Nizam aluminium-Mulk.
Islamic newspaper: Since 11 September were not-Muslim voices from the public life noticeable to you positively?
Murad Hofmann: Yes, as I had read in the IZ, Guenther Grass was very positive in its attitude. Otherwise I must say that it gave no analysis of the causes after my observation after 11 September in America at all. That is in America up to the today's day like that. And that has the following background: In America one may analyze also not for instance the causes of the Holocaust. The media prevent each attempt to explain, like it as the Holocaust come could, to the thesis: everything understand, are called everything forgive. And in such a way naturally also strangling benefits each analysis in America Israel.
One cannot describe, not analyze 11 September, without discovering thereby Israel. It will give again and again is shop so long one not finally this humans justice leaves happened. The United Nations issue resolutions, which are however only used, if they are directed against an Islamic country, e.g. in the Iraq. Resolutions would affect themselves, in favor of of Muslims were not ever carried out. Kashmir: It should take place the popular vote before 40 years! With Palestine and Israel still not one resolution was converted!
Islamic newspaper: What is your advice for the Muslims in Germany, in Europe in the future?
Murad Hofmann: Thus as danger I see that the Muslims leave themselves now into a apologetische corner urge.
Because we will intersperse us here only if our environment white that we offer it somewhat, it does not only beg. So far we look, we in such a way want always which: We want a Muezzin call and there to want we a funeral and there we pits - we want always which. And it looks in such a way, as we are to be made not more easily lucky and content, as if one tolerates us. We are only then really accepted if our environment understands that we have to offer it something, which does their bitterly emergency, because it goes off it.
And those are all the things, which let the west zutreiben on its culture disaster. Many people have today nevertheless the feeling: that cannot be nevertheless everything. Those are many, which sympathize with the Greens, others study the Islam, other one by Allah ta'ala simply directly are also addressed. In all other respects no Qur'an translation can be so bad that it can bring someone not nevertheless to the Islam.
And after 11 the number of conversions did not diminish! Before a few days only I have a letter gotten from a diploma psychologist in Germany, who crosses now to the Islam.
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